Friday, January 29, 2010

Inspiration: Make your own old monster movie poster!

Okay... I have been waiting too long for a new inspiration, so I will step up and think of one ;P How about.. Make up your own monster movie and make a poster for it?? Just come up with the most ridiculous thing you can think of!


Unknown said...


and thanks for picking up the slack, i'm kind of MONTHS behind, for picking a new theme. i could feel gibby's stare burning into my soul all the way from clyde. *shudder*

the next one gibby, i swear!

zelia brandao said...


Yang Kuo said...

and thanks for picking up the slack, i'm kind of MONTHS behind, for picking a new theme. i could feel gibby's stare burning into my soul all the way from clyde. *shudder*
